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Student will improvememory strategiesby acquiring [..] | El estudiante mejorará las aptitudes de memorización [..] al adquirir y aplicar una variedad de técnicas para memorizar. |
Speech Therapist-helps the patient return to normal or alternate forms of [..] communication, including cognitive and/ormemory strategies | El terapeuta del habla-ayuda al paciente a recuperar la forma normal [..] [..] comunicación, incluyendo estrategias cognoscitivas y/o de [..]memorización |
[..] allows you to learn a language corresponding to your needs and interests with unique and originalmemory strategies. | El aprendizaje activo de un idioma le permitirá aprender un idioma que correponda a sus necesidades e intereses. |
Cognitive processes andmemory strategies. | Procesos cognitivos y estrategias de memoria. |
Research will focus on: understanding the molecular and cellular bases of brain [..] [..] plasticity and repair, learning,memoryand cognition; developingstrategiesfor prevention and management [..]of neurological disorders and diseases. | La investigación se centrará en: comprensión de las bases moleculares y celulares de las funciones, el daño, la [..] [..] cerebrales, aprendizaje, memoria y cognición;elaboración de estrategias de prevención y gestión [..]de enfermedades y trastornos neurológicos. |
Memory rehabilitation programmes either attempt to retrain lost or poormemoryfunctions, or teach patientsstrategiesto cope with them. | [..] rehabilitación de la memoria intentan reeducar las funciones de la memoria perdidas o deficientes, o enseñar a los pacientes estrategias para manejarlas. |
Research will focus on: understanding the molecular and cellular bases of brain [..] [..] plasticity and repair, learning,memoryand cognition; developingstrategiesfor prevention and management [..]of neurological [..]and mental disorders and diseases (such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease), including those relating to drug dependance. | La investigación se centrará en: comprensión de las bases moleculares y celulares de las funciones, el daño, la plasticidad y el [..] [..] cerebro, aprendizaje, memoria y cognición;elaboración de estrategias de prevención y gestión [..]de enfermedades y trastornos [..]neurológicos y mentales (como la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la enfermedad de Parkinson y la nueva variante de la enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob), incluidas las relativas a la drogodependencia. |
Research will focus on: understanding the molecular and cellular bases of brain [..] [..] plasticity and repair, learning,memoryand cognition; developingstrategiesfor prevention and management [..]of neurological [..]and mental disorders and diseases and for understanding mechanisms underlying drug dependence as well as new strategies for prevention and treatment; development of new strategies for prevention and treatment of neuromuscular diseases; genetics of rare neurological diseases. | La investigación se centrará en: comprensión de las bases moleculares y celulares de las funciones, el daño, la [..] [..] cerebrales, aprendizaje, memoria y cognición;elaboración de estrategias de prevención y gestión [..]de enfermedades y trastornos [..]neurológicos y mentales y de comprensión de los mecanismos en que se basa la drogodependencia, así como nuevas estrategias de prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades neuromusculares; genética de enfermedades neuromusculares raras . |
The interpreter can memorise the speech, although in practice this occurs very [..] [..] limitations of the humanmemory.Usually the interpreter will utilisestrategiessuch as taking notes. | El intérprete puede basar su restitución en su memoria, aunque en la práctica esto sucede con muy [..] [..] las limitaciones de la memoria humana, se suele recurrir a estrategias como la toma de notas. |
[..] explores issues of labor,memory,surveillance technologies, and identitystrategies. | [..] temas de trabajo, memoria, tecnologías de vigilancia y estrategias de identidad. |
Together they identifiedstrategiesto develop places ofmemoryas centers for dialogue [..] [..] and impunity in post-conflict democracies. | Juntos definieron estrategias para desarrollar lugares de memoria como centros para el [..] [..] en torno a la justicia y la impunidad en democracias de post-conflicto. |
The Board recommends that the Administration ensure that the United [..] [..] Geneva implementsstrategiesto preserve the Organization's institutionalmemory,with particular [..]regard to the documents [..]relating to its genesis and its inception (para. 349). | La Junta recomienda que la Administración vele por que la [..] [..] Naciones Unidas en Ginebra aplique estrategias para preservar la memoria institucional de la Organización, [..]prestando atención [..]especial a los documentos relativos a su génesis y comienzo (párr. 349). |
T408 Main publications: WOMMED/FEMMED publications and web pages; new model curriculum for media education; CD-ROMs on youth-related activities; policy guide for digitizing public sector information; world courseware index; selection of [..] [..] legal frameworks, marketing and fund-raisingstrategiesfor the'Memoryof the World' programme; global audiovisual [..]heritage preservation and access charter. | T408 Principales publicaciones: publicaciones y espacios Web de WOMMED/FEMMED; nuevo plan de estudios modelo para la educación relativa a los medios de comunicación; CD-ROM sobre actividades relacionadas con la juventud; guía sobre políticas encaminadas a numerizar la información del sector público; índice mundial de soportes lógicos de uso didáctico; [..] [..] técnicas, marcos jurídicos y estrategias de marketing y recaudación de fondos para el Programa Memoria del Mundo; carta mundial [..]sobre la preservación [..] |
[..] areas, display and support the use of mnemonicstrategiesto aidmemoryformation and retrieval. | [..] soportar el uso de las estrategias mnemotécnicas ayudar la formación de memoria y la recuperación. |
Learningstrategiescan improvememorycapacity. | Las estrategias de aprendizaje pueden mejorar la capacidad de nuestra memoria. |
You will discover newstrategiesto develop yourmemoryand improve your concentration. | Usted descubrirá nuevas estrategias para desarrollar su memoria y mejorar su concentración. |
Usestrategiesto boost your middle schooler'smemoryskills | Use estrategias para mejorar la memoria de su estudiante |
[..] detailed reproductions asstrategiesfor recovering the socialmemory. | [..] reproducciones minuciosas como estrategias para recuperar la memoria social. |
If not, have you developedstrategiesand tactics to get around this? | [..] así, ¿han desarrollado estrategias o tácticas para labrarse [..] una buena reputación? |
The elements for a programme of action include the [..] relevant aims and thestrategiesand actions needed to [..] | En los elementos para el programa de acción figuran los objetivos [..] pertinentes así como las estrategias y actividades necesarias [..] |
Net neutrality has been identified as an issue in some Member States mainly in [..] the context of mobile operators either preventing access or [..] applying differentiated pricingstrategiesto VoIP services. | Se ha considerado que la neutralidad de la red plantea problemas en algunos Estados miembros, principalmente por [..] existir operadores móviles que impiden el acceso a [..] los servicios o aplican estrategias diferenciadas de fijación [..] |
[..] poverty reductionstrategies,joint assistancestrategiesand the African [..] Peer Review Mechanism can [..] | Los procesos de elaboración de las estrategias de lucha contra la pobreza, [..] [..] Mecanismo africano de evaluación inter pares pueden en muchos países servir como punto de partida. |
With this shift, the monarch butterfly became the flagship [..] species for a series ofstrategieslinked to each conservation target. | Con este cambio, la mariposa monarca se convirtió en la [..] bandera de una serie de estrategias de trabajo ligadas a [..] |
Good policy practices include family literacy policies; early [..] [..] onwards; national literacystrategiesand targets; and improvements [..]in literacy infrastructure [..] | Las buenas prácticas estratégicas incluyen políticas de alfabetización familiar; un [..] [..] preescolarización; estrategias y objetivos de alfabetización [..]nacionales; y mejoras en [..]las infraestructuras de fomento de la lectura y la escritura (bibliotecas y material escolar). |
These prizes were awarded yesterday within the fourth European ManufacturingStrategiesSummit, held in Dusseldorf (Germany). | Estos galardones se entregaron ayer dentro de la cuarta cumbre European Manufacturing Strategies, que se celebra en Dusseldorf (Alemania). |
it is activated only for such purposes as operational security or safety and limp-homestrategies. | Mla seguridad de funcionamiento o el funcionamiento precario en casos de urgencia ('limp-home strategies'). |
[..] line displays thememoryslot (Mem). | [..] indica el espacio de memoria (Mem). |
[..] sore from thememory-and he explained why. | [..] aún me duele la cabeza - y explico por qué. |
In addition, it would certainly be necessary to introduce measures for preserving through [..] documentation thememoryof languages that [..] | Convendrá además, sin duda alguna, que se prevean medios para preservar la [..] documentación y las memorias de las lenguas en [..] |
[..] of the city's livingmemoryas expressed through [..] its popular and traditional heritage. | [..] la continuidad de la memoria viva de la ciudad a [..] través de su patrimonio popular y tradicional. |
Pronunciación /ˈstrædədʒi//ˈstratɪdʒi/
Reading Strategy In Spanish
- (art, practice)
- Stalin felt that the key to victory was as much political and economic strategy as military.
- In the current war, virtual warfare has become an explicit part of military strategy.
- The same is true for military strategy, which does not only refer to army training.
- A great deal has been written about the failure of military strategy in Iraq.
- The shelves are lined with books of military strategy and political analysis.
- He often proved more expert than the experts, both in peacetime economics and in wartime strategy.
- Lord Carver begins with a chapter on campaign strategy which helpfully sets the scene.
- There is no such a thing as purely military advice when it comes to issues of strategy.
- Through careful strategy, Cromwell gained an unlikely victory at the Battle of Dunbar.
- The height of strategy is not to subdue the enemy in battle, but to subdue him without fighting at all.
- John Ware investigates how Allied strategy has been tested in the heat of battle.
- One aspect of grand strategy in war which isn't obvious to the layman is the idea of initiative.
- Control of information and propaganda has always been a central plank of war strategy.
- (plan)
- the government's economic strategy—la estrategia económica del gobierno
- Could it be that a trade association run by bankers would adopt a military strategy of its own?
- Attacking enemy strategies still requires a strategy of your own: who is likely to be your enemy?
- He then developed a strategy for attacking the Hedjaz railway, the Turkish supply line.
- The evidence suggests that a strong case can be made for a planned strategy using militia.
- It's science fiction but it gives a good inside on war strategies and tactics.
- It is also a war strategy aimed at humiliating the enemy men by showing they are unable to protect their women.
- Certainly the Maginot Line was constructed in the service of a defensive strategy.
- They decided on a defensive strategy to allow the Germans to wear themselves out.
- It's hard to find victory or exit strategies or any other sanity in what's happening.
- The new structure of the army brought first a new tactic and then a new strategy.
- Barlow makes the best case for a strategy behind the war that I have ever read.
- The long-term strategy must always be to starve the terrorists of support and recruits.
- Firstly, devote as much care to your media strategy as you do to your military strategy.
- Much of our military strategy and most of our foreign policy is tied to the United States.
- It requires a new attitude toward the battle and new strategy on the battlefield.
- What is the exit strategy of the Royal Marines, are they going to be there for the next ten years or three months?
- The danger was that this strategy would drive neutral America into the Allied camp.
- With no definition of victory and no exit strategy, we may be entering a state of perpetual war.
- It is important for the US's strategy for a ground war that it is able to do so.
- We will have to agree strategies and design policies that will make things happen differently.
- Organisers hope the conference can help develop new strategies and new marketing programmes.
- The strategy is a national strategy and it is designed to benefit the whole country.
- They were there as part of a longer-term strategy to identify and foster new talent.
- It has now been forced to conduct a major review in an attempt to find a long-term strategy for its survival.
- In both, I think we see the effects of a design strategy which pursues perfection.
- The pension funds have a different mix of strategies designed to encourage customers to take the plunge.
- The government need to come up with short term and long term strategies to resolve the issues.
- You cannot design diversity strategies around what is good for private business.
- The City of Windhoek is gearing itself to effect a major shift in its marketing strategy.
- Below are some personal finance and tax relief tips which may help you in planning your financial strategy.
- They will meet up for the first time next week to plan their strategy in dealing with the expected hordes of visitors.
- To accept the reality and truth helps us to plan our strategy to come out of such predicaments.
- A series of exhibitions has been planned to explain the strategy and seek contributions.
- Once a draft plan for the strategy has been drawn up the people of Lancashire will be asked for their views.
- The second prong of his strategy is to achieve further reforms of the labour market.
- Major progress, in terms of a long-term strategy, came with the Europe Agreements.
- Diversification is a strategy that is designed to provide a company with some degree of stability.
- Of course, no one plans their distribution strategy on domestic audiences alone.
- Taken as a whole, this endeavour can be seen as a long-term strategy for winning the peace.
- He is sure to earn millions basking in the success of his military strategy.
- the government's economic strategy—la estrategia económica del gobierno
Pound Sign In Spanish
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